Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Media Convergence : Advertising & New Media

Advertising and New Media

Joshua Tan - 42877202

   Advertising and new media is all around us. We are exposed to them constantly, whether it may be on our way to school or university, work or even when you are taking the day off. Advertising can be portrayed through various mediums to reach us. These mediums are used because of the attention they can receive. These mediums include; bus stops, buses, internet, television and newspapers or magazines.

   It is important to understand the term, 'digital convergence'. Digital convergence according to a media theorist, Henry Jenkins is the - 
"flow of content across multiple media platforms, the cooperation between multiple media industries, and the migratory behavior of audiences" (Jenkins, 2006: 2).
   Digital convergence is important to understand when discussing how advertising and new media has so much influence on society now. As multiple platforms combined, new forms of media were created such as music videos, smart phones and advertisements. The creation of new media shifted the audience from what was known as traditional analogue media to digital media. It was a change from a industry specialisation, un-directionality era of media to a more diverse, unprecedented and viral era of media. "New" media can now be seen as media that is now emerging, such as social networks, internet or smart phones. While "old" media can be referred to as the media forms when industries were specialised. The reason why digital divergence has effected advertising on a large scale is because as the forms of media improved and the ability to access these new types of platforms have increased. Without the new mediums to share their content there have been restrictions of the amount of communication within the community.
   The new audience that new media is attracting is essential to understand the changes in advertising. Advertising affected by the concept of "consumer sovereignty" in the "new millennium market". (Lecture Slides Week 4). The amount of audience that a successful advertisement means more revenue for the company that the advertisement promotes. By crossing different forms of media together, new opportunities to advertise are created. The increased use of the internet and mobile TV is the result of changes in advertising.

   How does this relate to advertising? The article written by Shani Orgad, 'Mobile TV: Old and new in construction of an emergent technology', explains how mobile TV is changing the way we view our content. The term 'Enhanced TV' refers the mobile TV being personlised with an extension of just the normal broadcasting of television. The ability to interact and create user content and content sharing resembles a new media that is engaging while providing them with their individual needs. "TV in your pocket" (Shani Orgad, 2009: 200) is a concept that describes mobile TV to be personalised, making them able to watch it where they want and when they want.

In this video Henry Jenkins agrees that new media is becoming more like the "TV in your pocket" concept. Teenagers and cultural aspects play a major role in determining the success of a new media, according to Jenkins. With this new media,advertising can be targeted to certain groups of people. The introduction of mobile TV has promoted a "TV on the Go" type of community, where mobile TV was being used while commuting or in waiting situations. UK study showed that 34% of participants watched mobile TV while commuting in waiting situations or breaks. (Shani Orgad, 2009: 205)
   The ability to watch broadcasted material on the move, highlights the shift from "old" to "new" media. As this new media is accepted and the media forms become stable, companies have a more reliable testing ground for their advertisements. Successful marketing campaigns are spread through an "electronic word-of-mouth" (Spurgeon, 2008: 4) reflecting how advertisements can become "viral". 
   Viral campaigns are an indication of the success of advertisements. It is an advertising technique that has emerged from this "new media". Most viral videos are home made or advertisements which are uploaded to YouTube or a video distribution site. Without the emergence of this platform, advertisements would not have been able to reach such a wide market.  These viral campaigns are a reflection of the the success converging media has had on advertising. The reactions to the "testing ground" (Lecture Slides Week 4), being social networks, such as Facebook,Twitter or YouTube, explains how advertisements are using "new" media to test if their campaign will be effective. The cost of uploading a video to one of these platforms is considerably lower and less risky than broadcasting the advertisement on television. 
   This is slowly changing how we use our media platforms. Companies are starting to take advantage of the converging media and advertising in social networks, to promote their products and to advertise their special offers. This results in a very different society from when media was still in its infant stages. There is more interactivity between the company and their consumers. Contact and communication between the two parties can happen online through advertisements, offers or even Facebook group pages. Companies can gain popularity quickly by promoting "Like Us", or "Follow Us", on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. 

    New media has is the result of old media forms combining to produce a new platform of media. Mobile TV's are becoming more and more popular within society due to the "TV on the Go" convenience. The internet has emerged, hosting "viral" videos on social networks such as YouTube creating the concept of "consumer sovereignty" in the market. Since advertisements are mainly aimed at consumers, advertisers use these social networks as a "testing ground" to have a feel how the community will react to it when and if they broadcast it on television. Overall the new media has affected how advertisements are viewed and showed in society. This has shifted our view of traditional media, being specialisation in one industry to a shift in where industries produce in cross mediums. The impact on society has been one of change and acceptance to the new media while becoming more interactive. Thus this revolution and changed is the result of the creation of new media and the effects of advertisements. 


Orgad, Shani (2009) 'Mobile TV : Old and new in the construction of an emergent technology' Convergence, vol 15 no 2 pp 197 - 214

Spurgeon, Christina (2008) 'Advertising and New Media', Routledge, pp 4

Dwyer, Tim (2010) Media Convergence, McGraw Hill, Berskshire, pp1-23

ZakOneTwoThree, (2009), Henry Jenkins Interview Short (viewed 30/03/2012)

Twitter Badge (.gif) - 7son75

Lecture Slide Week 4

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