Friday, March 30, 2012

Digital Media Convergence - Advertising and New Media

Media Diet

Media convergence is commonly defined as the compilation of multiple individual medias, devices and industries. Through media convergence, consumers and producers are able to see the transition from old media to new media, from reading hardcopy newspapers to online articles, and from watching episodes on DVD players at home to viewing episodes on portable devices wherever and whenever. In relation to advertising and new media, producers have had to adjust to media convergence. Producers are no longer segregated from consumers as consumers have become producers. New media, however, is not the complete rejection of old media. Instead, it is recreating old media. Digital media revolution has become beneficial for advertising companies in this new revolution as consumers are voluntarily taking part and spreading news worldwide unknowingly making advertisements viral at minimal costs. Below, we discuss the benefits and drawbacks of internet and mobile media.

Media & Platform Convergence
Media convergence may appear to simply be the combination of multiple technologies and industries. However, as discussed by Dwyer. T, media convergence isn't "just a technological process but [it] is implicated in, and expressed as, [a] profound and ongoing social, cultural and economic change" Dwyer.T (2010). Media covergence has digitalised all old media. Traditional forms of media such as VHRs and DVDs have become digitalised and compiled into simple portable devices where access to all technologies can be gained at once at any time, anywhere. All media can be accessed through a few buttons on a palm-sized device such as the current smart phones, iPods, MP3s and etc. This transition of traditional forms of media to digitalised forms of media become beneficial for consumers as the necessity to have the knowledge of using each individual technology is no longer necessary. It is believed that audiences greatly appreciate this media evolution as the new media convergence provides a sense of authority and power to consumers who are now able to gain access to what they want, when they want and the form they want it in. Consumers are now "extremely keen to gain access to this intimate personal space, here is also a shared understanding that, unless access is based on a clear invitation, direct marketers could very probably kill the mobile golden goose" Spurgeon (2008:100) This power has set an expectation of perfection of media and all that does not meet this standard is immediately rejected. This convergence has created the quickest way of advertising- through the word of mouth. Industries no longer have the power to dictate the consumers wants and needs, as they are already demanding and creating expectations of their own. This new power creates a discomfort for markets as they are now dictated by their audiences. The roles have been reversed.


Internet has appeared to be the most affected platform in media. "The internet search engine is, perhaps, the single  most important development for informational advertising since the time of the first paid newspaper advertisements or the telephone directory. In less than a decade, search engines have transformed into new, globally significant and, increasingly, locally relevant, advertising- funded media services and institutions" (Battelle 2005). The rise in popularity of search engines has become highly beneficial in informational advertising. Consumers turn to search engines to investigate their products in depth and whilst doing so, search engines such as Google and Yahoo! place relatable advertisements above intended sites to capture the attention of consumers. Along with search engines, media sites such as YouTube, too, has played a significant role in advertising. Ads are placed before the intended video and may only be partially or completely inevitable forcing audiences to consume information subconsciously. Other media sites such as have advertisements automatically playing whether the intended video is playing or not, informing audiences unknowingly. Above, we see google chrome advertise media convergence.


What's on your iPhone home screen?Mobile media too, plays a significant role in digital media revolution. " The rapid proliferation of mobile phones and other mobile devices has created a new channel for marketing". (Melody M.Tsang and Shu Chun Ho and Ting-Peng Liang;2004) The transformation of mobile phones have physically changed immensely from originally being the size of two hands to sitting perfectly in a palm and fitting into your back pocket. Mobile phones have created such a large impact on peoples' lives it is almost essential to own one. originally, mobile phones had only two functions, to dial and to end a call. Today, mobile phones are kept to maintain friendships, seek destinations, capture moments and etc. a form of mobile advertising is "on-deck" advertising (Deign,2006; Hiag,2002). It is the direct viewing of messages on portable devices such as sms. Nowadays, there are multiple versions of SMS, such as multimedia message, an audio message or an e-mail. This application allows consumers to connect and spread news to each other through the spread of mouth. it is through mobile phones that consumers are able to find one another within two minutes by simply clicking a few buttons. Mobile phones have commonly added advertisements to all applications downloaded by users such as camera applications which promote extended versions of photoshop and games are spammed with new entertainment ads. This approach is both negative and positive forconumers. it has been beneficial in informing new applications and new functions however; it perceives and causes " irritation, informativeness, and trust affect [to] consumers attitudes" (Saadeghvaziri and Seyeedjavadain). This technique cleverly informs consumers unknowingly as they are either unable to avoid the ad completely or partially. Consumers are intaking information whether they are aware or not however, it may be detrimental as it suppresses the consumer's wants to purchase the application.

In conclusion, it is clear that media convergence has affected both technological and social change. Consumers have broaden the ranges of forms of advertising at minimal costs. With this change in digital media revolution, consumers no longer play a passive role in this industry. Instead, they've joined the producers and advertisers. With new media, advertisers have had to become more creative and targe specific audiences which would seduce consumers in buying their products. New media has become highly beneficial for the new generation and it is expected that media convergence would expand in future generations.

  • Dwyer. T(2010) Media Convergence McGraw Hill, Berkshire. pp 1-23
  • Spurgeon. C. (2008) Advertising & New Media Oxon Routledge, pp.24-45

Melissa Mui.

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