Friday, June 8, 2012

Assignment 3- Jacqueline Gibson & Valerie Stephanie

Shoes in Suburbia

Theme: Shoes
Subtheme: Suburbia

Description: ‘Shoes in Suburbia’ is a snappy video which was created using a digital camera and the tools in iphoto and imovie. It aims to capture the ‘everyday aesthetic’ through the theme of shoes and a subtheme of suburbia. Playful music is coupled with the photos to communicate the fun activities these shoes get up to in their suburban surroundings and invoke in the viewer a sense of bliss. From playing on the slide at the park to taking out the bins, shoes in everyday life are revealed to be not only essential but also intriguing and entertaining. 

Attribution of the song : This is how we have to attribute the song: "Popsicle Summer" by Viola, published under an Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unreported license and can be found at (accessed on the 06/06/2012). 

Created by Valerie Stephanie (42925606) & Jacqueline Gibson (42847869)

Assignment 3 - Kevin Nguyen and Rahul Manne

Step by Step - By Kevin Nguyen and Rahul Manne 

"Starfall (Original Mix)" by Moralo.
Permission acquired for the use of the sound clip.

Assignment 3 - Jack Huskinson & Joshua Tan

Theme: Urban Buildings
Sub-theme: Urban Decay

Song Credit: "Tidal Wave" by Treason.
Permission was granted for the use of this song.

Assignment 3: Ashley Cossetto

Assignment 3: Everyday Aesthetics

Theme: Hands
Sub-Theme: Simple Pleasures 
Created By: Ashley Cossetto (42855829)

Song Credits: 
"Just Soul" by BIGfoot BEATS, (2012) published under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0Licence,, available at Accessed 2nd of June 2012

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Assignment 3 Michael Choo & Matthew Sugianto

Sub-Theme: Fish Market

Created by:
                              Michael Choo (42727731)
                              Matthew Sugianto (42207894)
 48 Images Taken by Michael & Matthew

Choosing Best Pictures by Michael & Matthew

Optimising Images Using iPhoto  by  Matthew

Deciding On Sound Track by Michael 

Animate Images On iMovie by Michael & Matthew 

Song Credits:

'Fish & Chips' by Chino Yoshio (2010 Sakura) published under a Creative Commons Attribution  3.0 License
Available at [Accessed 28.05.12]

Eleanor Saxton and Hannah Correy Assignment 3

MAS110 Assignment 3

Video of Every Day Aesthetics. "Common Coffee"

Hannah Correy (42736250) and Eleanor Saxton (42452805)

Music: Enso, 2012, In Your Bliss (Acoustic), Ellen Alleyne, 
Accessed 5 June 2012

Assignment 3: Nick Allen & Ben Coote

Theme and Sub-Theme: Student Posters

By Nick Allen 42019354 and Ben Coote 42448980

Music By Doteyes "Eye for the Telescope" under the Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC 3.0) accessed on the 1s June 2012

Assignment 3: Evelyn Challinor & Jeremy Farrugia

Assignment 3: Sound and Music Equipment

Jeremy Farrugia 42845750
Evelyn Challinor 42868750

Knife Party - Fire Hive (Heartbreak's Extra Oxtails Bootleg) By David Heartbreak, published under a Creative Commons Attribution.
Attribution 3.0 unproved licence.
Available at:
Accessed: 05/06/2012

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Assignment 3 - Melissa Mui & Patria Manalili

Please watch in full screen! :)

Theme: Windows
Sub-themes: Shaped frameworks.
Created by: Melissa Mui & Patria Manalili

Song Credits:
"Tonight" by LukHash published under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0) Licence,, available at accessed 3rd of June 2012.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Assignment 3: Daniel Buskariol & Carrie Innes

Assignment 3: Everyday Aesthetics

Please switch to 1080p (HD) before viewing :)

Theme: Decay
Sub-theme: Highlighting Urban Decay

Created By: Daniel Buskariol & Carrie Innes.

Song Credits:
'Ghosts Pt. 2' by Shlohmo (Released by Error Broadcast), published under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. Available at:  [accessed 25.5.12] 

"Shlohmo - Ghosts pt. 2" (Error Broadcast) / CC BY 3.0

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Assignment 2 : Team Contract

Team members:
  • Joshua Tan
  • Yuki Zhao
  • Kevin Nguyen
Map 1 -  Kevin
Map 2 - Yuki
Rationale & details- Joshua

 Every Thursday before MAS110 Lecture

  • Getting work done on time
  • Co-operating with each other
  • Resolve any issues that occur
  • Listen to ideas and make decisions as a group

Monday, April 30, 2012

Assessment 2: Team Contract (Jacqueline and Valarie)

                      Team Contract

A.      Commitments
1.       We will both finish our sections of the project by our stated dates
2.       We will keep in contact
3.       We will consider each other’s opinions on all aspects of the project
4.       We will hand our project in on time for the benefit of both of us4

B.      Team Meetings
1.       We will both attend team meeting
2.       We will be prompt to team meetings
3.       We will both be actively engaged in team meetings
4.       We will cooperate in team meetings and consider each other’s perspectives

C.      Valarie’s Sections
1.       The geographical map
2.       The scenery pictures
3.       The game instructions
4.       The title

D.      Jacqueline’s Sections
1.       The elements of the game
2.       The details of game play
3.       The rationale
4.       Final touches

Assesment 2: Team Contract

Team Contract

Project Name: Fight Club
Team Members: Daniel Buskariol and Carrie Innes

Critical Dates:
10th April 2012 – Have movie chosen
16th April 2012 – Have had first meeting delegating tasks
21st April 2012 – Have draft of map complete (rough drawing)
30th May 2012 – Have a rough final map completed with all major ideas selected and in use
8th May 2012 – Have assessment completed and ready to hand in for the
9th May 2012- Hand in assessment

    Team Ground Rules

      As a project team we will:
- Not set expectations higher than our capabilities
- Ensure we have a sufficient amount of time to complete tasks
- Meet at the least once a week to discuss progress and challenges
- Meet all personal deadlines

      We will:
- Be open to any listen to ideas from either team member
- Ensure each person completes their selected tasks
- Be honest about each others work and ideas (be it positive or negative) and offer personal opinions to greater the team project as a whole
- Make sure we tackle challenges together and use our combined knowledge to resolve the issues

We will:
- Make sure that meetings stay relevant
- Ensure we actively listen to each others ideas and opinions
- Make sure we have effective communication means in case an issue arises (Facebook, Email and Phone number)
- Use personally created examples to assist explanations (drawings and computer generated graphics)

Problem Solving:
We will:
- Offer honest criticism and/or advice to other team members about their work in a polite way
- Put both members suggestions to solve problems together and compromise so we come to a communal agreement
- Agree to meet up in person if the issue is too difficult to discuss on the phone or online

Decision Making:
We will:
- Discuss all the factors in making a decision and weigh up if it is worth it (this includes time to complete decision/cost of decision in terms of both money and impact)
- Make sure the decision is supported by the other team member before making changes to the project

Handling Conflict:
We will:
- See conflict as a way to learn more and make positive changes to better the team as a whole
- Meet in person if the conflict can not be resolved any other way
- Be open to the team members point of view and seek to understand where they are coming from

Meeting Guidelines and Procedures:
- Meetings will be held once a week unless discussed otherwise
- Meeting place will be in Y3A, the library or in the courtyard (a central place which is convenient for both members)
- Sections of the assessment will be allocated to each team member based on their personal knowledge and desire
- Meetings will be at a convenient time to both team members (as discussed previously)

Analysis Draft

The map is adapted into a multi-level three dimensional space where the player has the ability to control via first person, therefore, including a concept with objectives is an important part if developing the game. Navigation was also another crucial feature. The navigation is aimed to guide the player through the game. Here, we have illustrated this by roads.

Wold, Mark 2003, 'Formal Aspects of the Video Game', The Medium of the Video Game, American Heritage, The University of Texas

Daniel Buskariol - Practice Analysis

“Extensive player discussions occur around the quality and character of new game maps. Some maps borrow from popular culture imagery; others borrow from more generic settings (villages, desert compounds, high rises, 747 airliners, waterfront docks, factories, and offices). The virtue of a map is judged by its ability to generate "good" game play”
We used ‘Fight Club’ as our movie. We decided to create our overall birds-eye view map by combining multiple generic video game scenes. We’ve combined a “desert compound” scene and a city “high rises” scene into the one map in order to portray the distance between each location in the movie. We used the desert to represent the vast distance between each level and we used the high rises to indicate that each location is actually located in a city. For the action map, we have chosen the last scene where the player has to blow up multiple buildings. We will have legends at certain action points showing the players choice and the outcome of those choices.
Talmadge Wright, Eric Boria and Paul Breidenbach. 2002. Game Studies. Creative Player Actions in FPS Online Video Games - Playing Counter-Strike, [Online]. Volume 2/Issue 2, Page 7. Available at: [Accessed 30 April 2012].

Jacqueline Gibson: Reference Paragraph

Aarseth, E. (2006) 'The culture & bussiness of cross media productions', Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media culture, 4:3, pp. 203-211

Content was the main part of the movie 'I Am Legend' which was adapted to our game. Aarseth argues that content is what travels between platforms in 'cross-media production' (Aaseth, E. 2006, p. 205) Therefore, this supports our decision to transfer the content from the film to the game. Furthermore, the 'social davances' (Aarseth, E. 2006, p. 207) in our game differ from the movie version as the main charater, Dr. Neville, has new goals. For example, at the end of the game te payer is able to decide between spreading the ntidote throughout New York to reverse the darkseeker curse or wheher to kill off all the darkseekers to suceed. However, the game still holds similarities to its movie form as its 'output type' (Aarseth, E. 2006, p. 207) is almost the same.

Gordon Calleja on his work digital game involvement: a conceptual model

Gordon Calleja on his work digital game involvement: a conceptual model

We are doing a game relating to butterfly effect which relates to Calleja’s shared involvement theory which states that  one characteristic that differ games from other medias is the character involvement which the presence of the player will impact the environment and the agents of either NPCs or other human players. This is particularly relevant to games involving avatar control as it anchors the player firmly to the location both spatially and socially. Due to limitation of AI technology, human controlled avatars can respond in more unpredictable ways creating a more intense environment whenever humans are present in the environment. This effect relates to the game as the main character’s present is important in determining the environment it follows. Butterfly Effect is a movie about time travelling back to the past and changing something that will have a major impact on the future. going back to the past environment or events which the main character's presence plays a major role in it of which what the player does in the game and the choices made will have an impact on how the game will continue. there will be several ending which all relates to what the main character have done in his past actions.

Calleja G.  2007 Digital Game Involvement : A Conceptual Model  , Sage Publications, Volume 2, Number 3, Page 247, accessed at 30th April 2012

Nick Allen Article for Assessment 2

The article I looked at was called "War Games" by Chris Sullentrop published in the New York Times on the 08/09/10.

The article "War Games" goes into detail about the reasons why war games are successful. Sullentrop believes that authenticity is the very important in war games as it brings the player into the game. Authenticity needs to be shown in the character, events and weapons used in the game. War game in general are very popular with the 18-29 year old market and attracting these people needs to be the goal of our game. These people want to be able to feel as if they are performing the tasks that real soldiers are doing. In regards to our adaptation this means that fans of the movie need to feel thatr the game stays relevant to the movie in terms of characters, weapons, tasks and events that are occuring. Sulletrop also said that first person shooter is the prefered genre of a war game and so this will be the genre we will use. Overall the "War Games" article was useful as it prvided some good ideas about the design of a war game.

Week 8 Excerise

The concept that a game can have a narrative if the game can be completed works with our proposed game. This is because, even though the narrative has changed from that of which the movie follows, the guts of it has stayed the same. The game will still need to have the player go through certain areas which relate to the movie, and will need to end up in the same place of as the movie. Although, the player has more freedom and more maneuverability to explore and reach the end goal. This helps the game develop its own story, and as the game will end with a goal achieved, meaning the game uses narratives for some purpose (Juul, 2001:2).

J. Juul, Games Telling Stories?, 2001, viewed on 30/04/2012

Exerice Week8

The main aim of digital game is to enable players to ‘experience’ as a character in a game. In order to experience it, wood suggests that space is essential because he mentions that “The space has to be recursive, based on feedback between the state of the game (relations between the objects) and the state of the gamer, which includes their knowledge, skill, mood, and attention. The idea of recursive is based on 2ways: first, as another means of describing gamers’ engagement with space, one that gives a greater account of the participation of technology; secondly, it gives us a way to thinking about play as a process of creating space.” (Wood, 2012 pg. 87).

Wood, A. 2012 Recursive Space: Play and Creating Space , retrieved on 30 April 2012 < >


In contrast to our flowchart of Tomorrow When the War Began, The Sims are based mainly on spatiality whereas Tomorrow When the War Began is based on agency. Our flowchart creates an illusion and directs the player into certain pathways requiring less logical thought than it would be required in The Sims where "current simulations could be enhanced to allow more room for discussion and critical thinking by changing the way games deal with character use and design" (Frasca, G. 2001). Tomorrow When the War Began use of agency expresses "satisfying power to take meaningful action and see the results of our decisions and choices" (Murray, 1997). 

Gonzalo Frasca (2001): Rethinking agency and immersion: video games as a means of consciousness- raising, Digital Creativity, 12:3, 167-174

MAS110 Week 8 Tutorial Activity

Video games are an experiential medium which provide its players with a sense of agency. This is a major factor in differentiating the medium from films, which rely on an objective point of view. Our flowchart of "Tomorrow, When the War Began" (2010) displays this characteristic of video games, emphasized by the use of the first-person perspective. This perspective shapes the player's perception of the game space, allowing them to "act within the game as an extension of themselves." (Taylor, 2002) This also creates realism within the game, giving the player an experience left unfulfilled by films and movies. The first person perspective allows the player to become involved within the world of the game, thus underlining its "interactivity" and "participatory" nature. (Taylor, 2002). By selecting the option of the first person perspective, we capitalize on the experiential nature of video games, providing the player a sense of achievement at the completion of challenges. The feedback we have been given suggests emphasizing the first-person perspective component of the video game by adding more decisions determining the progress of the character.

Taylor, L (2002). Perspective, Point-of-View, and Immersion. University of Florida, Florida. pp. 1-31.
Available from: <> (Accessed 30th April 2012).

Academic Reference to video game conceptual map

The academic reference; "The medium of the Video Game" is relevant to Assignment 2 (The video game conceptual map) as it refers to the many concepts we will use in our map. The game is based on the Lion King film, it will incorporate the dimensions of free roam and a linear storying in the form of missions. Mark J. P. Wolf refers to the "use of space in the video game and the individual games worldview".

Wolf, M, 1997. The Medium of the Video Game. 1st ed. California: Library of congress.

Jeremy Farrugia

Our assessment on the Lion King incorporates the free-roam flexibility of the player/protagonist as Simba explores the jungle of Pride Rock. His mission or “rule-based” task is to gain skills and knowledge of how to prepare the duties to be king and grow up and take the place of his father. The spaciality of the Pride Rock area will enhance the playing experience through a detailed portrayal of the African wildlife and flora. The protagonist can choose to interact with other animals of the Pride Rock community, chase and kill bugs for bonus points or perform mini tasks in which he learns the jump/roar/attack feature. The spaciality of this plane will then interconnect with the narrative from which Simba and Mufasa must escape the stampede. “[Spaciality] interconnects the different active planes: rule-based, mediated, play-space and fictional” (Nitsche, 2008)

Evelyn Challinor

Nitsche, M, 2008 ‘Video Game Spaces: Image, Play, and Structure in 3D Game Worlds’, Massachusetts Institute of Technology