Monday, April 30, 2012

Jacqueline Gibson: Reference Paragraph

Aarseth, E. (2006) 'The culture & bussiness of cross media productions', Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media culture, 4:3, pp. 203-211

Content was the main part of the movie 'I Am Legend' which was adapted to our game. Aarseth argues that content is what travels between platforms in 'cross-media production' (Aaseth, E. 2006, p. 205) Therefore, this supports our decision to transfer the content from the film to the game. Furthermore, the 'social davances' (Aarseth, E. 2006, p. 207) in our game differ from the movie version as the main charater, Dr. Neville, has new goals. For example, at the end of the game te payer is able to decide between spreading the ntidote throughout New York to reverse the darkseeker curse or wheher to kill off all the darkseekers to suceed. However, the game still holds similarities to its movie form as its 'output type' (Aarseth, E. 2006, p. 207) is almost the same.

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