Monday, April 30, 2012

Assesment 2: Team Contract

Team Contract

Project Name: Fight Club
Team Members: Daniel Buskariol and Carrie Innes

Critical Dates:
10th April 2012 – Have movie chosen
16th April 2012 – Have had first meeting delegating tasks
21st April 2012 – Have draft of map complete (rough drawing)
30th May 2012 – Have a rough final map completed with all major ideas selected and in use
8th May 2012 – Have assessment completed and ready to hand in for the
9th May 2012- Hand in assessment

    Team Ground Rules

      As a project team we will:
- Not set expectations higher than our capabilities
- Ensure we have a sufficient amount of time to complete tasks
- Meet at the least once a week to discuss progress and challenges
- Meet all personal deadlines

      We will:
- Be open to any listen to ideas from either team member
- Ensure each person completes their selected tasks
- Be honest about each others work and ideas (be it positive or negative) and offer personal opinions to greater the team project as a whole
- Make sure we tackle challenges together and use our combined knowledge to resolve the issues

We will:
- Make sure that meetings stay relevant
- Ensure we actively listen to each others ideas and opinions
- Make sure we have effective communication means in case an issue arises (Facebook, Email and Phone number)
- Use personally created examples to assist explanations (drawings and computer generated graphics)

Problem Solving:
We will:
- Offer honest criticism and/or advice to other team members about their work in a polite way
- Put both members suggestions to solve problems together and compromise so we come to a communal agreement
- Agree to meet up in person if the issue is too difficult to discuss on the phone or online

Decision Making:
We will:
- Discuss all the factors in making a decision and weigh up if it is worth it (this includes time to complete decision/cost of decision in terms of both money and impact)
- Make sure the decision is supported by the other team member before making changes to the project

Handling Conflict:
We will:
- See conflict as a way to learn more and make positive changes to better the team as a whole
- Meet in person if the conflict can not be resolved any other way
- Be open to the team members point of view and seek to understand where they are coming from

Meeting Guidelines and Procedures:
- Meetings will be held once a week unless discussed otherwise
- Meeting place will be in Y3A, the library or in the courtyard (a central place which is convenient for both members)
- Sections of the assessment will be allocated to each team member based on their personal knowledge and desire
- Meetings will be at a convenient time to both team members (as discussed previously)

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