Monday, April 30, 2012

Assignment 2: Agreement: Nick Allen & Ben Coote

30th April: progress report; hand in drafts of work assigned - Nick: Game analysis, Ben: Visual Maps
- both persons must be happy and satisfied with the others work and agree to fix any items that the other finds to be of an unsatisfactory nature.

5th May: have full and final copies prepared
- as with the 30th of april date, both parties must be happy with the others work. If not, any items found to be unsatisfactory must be remedied IMMEDIETLY.

8th May: Hand In
- day before provides a safety net if both parties are ill or unable to be present at university on that day. Both parties must be 100% happy with the submitted work.

In the event of ill health, persons will communicate and send/receive work over both Facebook and email so so that if one form of communication were to fail, the other would provide a back up.
Both parties agree to abide by the agreement and accept the responsibility that will befall them if there work is of an unacceptable standard or not submitted at all.

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