Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Assignment 2 Contract

Assignment 2 Contract

Project Members:

  • Eleanor Saxton
  • Hannah Correy

Critical Dates of Work:

  • 15 April 2012 - Chosen idea for video game
  • 22 April 2012 - Draft of map and flow chart complete
  • 29 April 2012 - Map complete
  • 6 May 2012 - Flow chart complete
  • 9 May 2012 - Hand in


  1. Only agree to work that we are qualified and capable of doing
  2. Be honest and realistic in planning, decision making and performance
  3. Operate in a productive manner
  4. Keep each other informed about thoughts and actions
  5. Focus on what is best for the assignment
  6. See assignment through til completion.
  7. Do not leave to the last minute
  8. Follow critical dates guidelines


Use friendship to benefit this assignment and to communicate effecienty and effectively.

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